Women’s Day Demonstration


Restricting the right to strike, export-driven labour market model and making part-time work more difficult – the oppressive politics of the goverment led by Petteri Orpo are strongly targeting women and female-dominated sectors. The government’s proposed export-driven wage model aims to change legislation so that the percentage of wage increases in export sectors would set a ceiling on wage increases in other sectors. The reform, if implemented, will leave nurses and many other underpaid female-dominated sectors in a permanent wage trap. We call for an end to all plans for an export-driven labour market model and restrictions on the right to strike, and for a substantial financial investment in the renewal sectors.

Cuts to vital support services and social security are making one of the most dangerous countries for women in Europe even more unsafe. One woman in three living in Finland has experienced physical abuse, the threat of physical abuse or sexual abuse in a relationship, and one woman in two has experienced emotional abuse in a relationship. International human rights bodies have repeatedly criticised Finland for failing to combat violence against women effectively enough. We call for additional funding to create a comprehensive network of shelters and low-threshold support services for victims of intimate partner violence, which are currently heavily concentrated on the third sector of services due to lack of funding.

The government also continues to support Israel, which is currently carrying out genocide against the Palestinians, and Turkey, which is oppressing the Kurds. The ongoing genocide in Gaza is having a particular impact on women struggling to make a living in the region, who face not only bombardments and extrajudicial killings, but also sexual violence in completely unlivable conditions, with no access to basic menstrual and hygiene supplies. Meanwhile, Turkey, which is attacking the ongoing feminist revolution in Rojava by bombing civilian targets, is allowed to continue its campaign while its NATO partners stand by. In both cases, the Finnish government remains silent, in line with its trading partners, from whom it buys and to whom it sells arms and military equipment. We call for a halt to these transactions and an immediate end to military action.

We will gather at Senate Square at 17:00 and at 17:30 we will march through Aleksanterinkatu and Mannerheimintie to Narinkkatori.

The demonstration is organised by Aurora Helsinki, Helsinki Left Youth, Kurdish Democratic Community Centre NCDK and RiseUp4Rojava Finland.

After the demonstration, Aurora Helsinki and Varisverkosto will organise a Women’s Day concert at Lepakkomies from 20:00, with the proceeds going to Women’s Line, which supports victims of intimate partner violence.